There’s no doubt the “gig” economy is changing the way people work. Intuit, the makers of TurboTax, recently conducted a study that presents a strong economic trend that today’s workers value flexible work hours over full-time employment. Researchers predict that by 2020, 40-percent of American workers will be classified as independent contractors. With nearly half the U.S. workforce preferring to set their own schedule, the traditional nine to five is becoming a thing of the past. It’s not just small businesses that are using contingent workers to minimize labor costs; monolithic, legacy firms are taking notice too ― “80 percent of large corporations plan to substantially increase their use of a flexible workforce in coming years” (Intuit 2020 Report).
The engineering industry is not immune to these changes. There are some major trends at work that make the gig model surprisingly conducive to the staunch engineering profession. Firstly, a strong economy and the increased focus on infrastructure are driving businesses to grow their specialized areas through mergers and acquisitions to remain competitive, drive growth, and enter new markets. Specialized engineers are in high demand. Secondly, the engineering workforce is aging. A 2016 Machine Design Report found that 53 is the average age of today’s engineer, and that the number of engineers under age 35 is declining. As baby boomers retire, the younger generation entering the profession lacks the skills and experience to take their place. This skill gap makes it difficult to hire and retain qualified candidates. Lastly, as we see time and again, technology is making the virtual company the new normal. Companies are beginning to value more interconnectivity and are depending on their employees working well together from virtually anywhere.
With people wanting more autonomy over when and how they work, and with the industry shifting to a more flexible workforce, it can be difficult for employers to find the right engineer for their project. Gig economy platforms, like Upwork and Thumbtack, run the gamut of services and offer more advanced features for a fee. But even through these sites, it’s nearly impossible to find a qualified professional engineer (PE).
PE For Hire allows you ― whether you are part of a corporation or a homeowner looking to have an engineer design drawings ― to post your project and receive proposals, directly to your inbox, from a nationwide pool of highly qualified PEs. It’s the next evolution in hiring that allows you to flex your workforce as needed, bring new insight and technology into your mix, and maintain tighter control of your project’s costs. Oh, and it’s FREE.
PE For Hire is a platform that provides you a ready-when-you-are workforce. It is fast and intuitive, allowing you to get the engineering expertise you need, when you need it. Post today, hire tomorrow! Visit to learn more.